LINKMED® Interface Tutorial: HL7 Order and Result Template

HL7 ORDER (ORM) and RESULT (ORU)Interface Template Construction:

The LINKMED® Interface Engine processed, filtered and reformatted HL7 ORDER Messagesfrom the receiving folder of the TCP/IP Receiver based on Mapper pre-configured interface template . Once transformed the reformatted files are placed into the pre-determine network directory folder or in the LINKMED® Interface facility's folder accessible by other applications. The Original HL7 Orders Records is stored in the LINKMED® intermediate database; this data is needed to reconcile with the return Results/Reports before HL7 Results or Billings message are created and send back to the HIS.

HL7 ORDER(ORM) Message:

An order is a request for material or services, usually for a specific patient. These services include medications from the pharmacy, clinical observations (e.g., vitals, I&Os) from the nursing service, tests in the laboratory, food from dietary, films from radiology, linens from housekeeping, supplies from central supply, an order to give a medication (as opposed to delivering it to the ward), etc. Most orders are associated with a particular patient. However, the Standard also allows a department to order from another ancillary department without regard to a patient (e.g., floor stock), as well as orders originating in an ancillary department (i.e., any application may be the placer of an order or the filler of an order).
We refer to the person or entity that places the order as the placer. We refer to the person or entity that carries out the order as the filler (producer in ASTM terminology). In the case where the person or entity that carries out the order also requests the order, this person or entity is referred to as the filler and placer of the order. The filler may also request another application to assign a filler or placer order number. The Order(ORM) Message is as follow:

MSH…PID…[PD1]…[PV1]…[PV2]..[{IN1}]… [{IN2}]… [{IN3}]… [GT1]… [{AL1}]…ORC…OBR… [{NTE}]


|000001234567|000001234567|000006495773|DOE^JANE^ F^^^||19501115|F|||123 ANY STREET^^ANYCITY^WI^53711||6082571234|6082044567|N^|||000101128180|323468612|||W|
NW|90001^002|6159034||IP||^^^200307070000^^R^^ROUTINE|||101||108068^GOERGE^W BUSH.^^^^UWHealth||||^Routine exam|
|90001^002|6159034|CWH^0005^MAMMOGRAM DIGITAL SCREENING BI^76092||||||101||N|||^^^^|108068^GEORGE^W BUSH.^^^^UWHealth|||^MG|routine yearly exam||||MG|||1^^^200807070000^^R^^ROUTINE||||^^^SCREENING|
|||cbe normal|

Creating Mapper Template for the INBOUND ORDER Message is similar to that of the INBOUND ADT except that this Interface uses both INBOUND and OUTBOUND feature of the Dynamic Mapper and also utilizes the LINKMED® Intermediate database. The following are HL7 segments selected for this interface from the above HL7 message.


The HL7 ORDER Message example above does not contain HL7 OBX segment but it is selected from the library for carrying " Result Message" back to the HIS. The item in RED are selected as key (Unique Key Identifier), they are MRN and Order Number (PID_3_1 and OBR_3_1) respectively, make sure that the PID_3_1 and OBR_3_1 Key is checked in the Mapper File of the Interface (Figure 1).

Figure 1:LINKMED® Mapper INBOUND HL7 ORDER Key Identifier Selection