LINKMED® Interface Tutorial: HL7 Order and Result Template

HL7 Segments and Fields Selection for Interface Template:

  1. Launch the Dynamic Mapper Application fill in the Input and Output Files Location and Formats, select the location of your Intermediate database then click on the HL7 button of the Dynamic Mapper Work area to access the HL7 library. Select the following HL7 Segments from the library left pane then move it to the right pane by double click in this order: MSH, PID, PV1, ORC, OBR, NTE, OBX click OK to go back to the main work area.
  2. On the main work area of the Dynamic Mapper the MSH Segment is loaded by default and its segment's fields are displayed. Select the Segment's field that have value on it by looking at the sample message itself, use text editor or WordPad to open the message, the field separator is the Pipe (|) . Note that the 1st pipe on the MSH segment is count as number 2, for example:


  3. The MSH Segment's field location and value to select are:

    MSH|<2_1^~\&|<3_1 RIS|<4_1 WB0|<5_1 LINKMED|<6_1 RAD|<7_1200307070841|<8_1|<9_1ORM^<9_2 O01|<10 1|< 11_1 P|<12_1 2.3.1|

  4. The MSH data element on segment field 1 and 2 are handle by the Dynamic Mapper, there is no value in the MSH_8 your Segment's Fields selection in the Dynamic Mapper are:

    MSH_3_1, MSH_4_1, MSH_5_1, MSH_6_1, MSH_7, MSH_9_1, MSH_9_2, MSH_10, MSH_11_1, MSH_12

  5. Do the same to all of the HL7 Segments in the message pay close attention to the PID and OBR Segment where the segment fields on PID_3_1 and OBR_3_1 are selected as record "Unique Key Identifier". Choose to "WriteOut" only the data element that is needed to output to your system and unchecked the rest of the data element that is not needed from the WriteOut check box to the right of each selected Segment's field. The filtered data elements are stored in the LINKMED® Intermediate database and can be access any time.

  6. When finish the INBOUND selection save and name your Mapper Template.

Figure 1: LINKMED® Mapper INBOUND HL7 ORDER Segment's Field Selection